Thursday, March 5, 2009

California Residence Need to Save Water

It Should Be Everybody’s Responsibility to Save water. I just do not understand why some people do not think it is important to save. I do know the movement is growing I just hope it is not too late. We really do not need to change major things to save. We can save water painlessly by buying products that help us save water and cut back on the silly things like letting the water run as we brush our teeth.

For the big changes, we need to have a 3rd party monitor the cities and the water waste. They tell us we need to save water yet "They/We" pump millions of gallons out to sea everyday, let’s convert it into Grey-Water for outdoor cleaning and watering. Low volume shower heads, Dual flush conversion kits for the toilet should be handed out by the utility departments like we get our garbage cans.

I have been searching the web for anyway I can save water and money...I installed a new thing for my toilet call a SelectAFlush it works great. It's a dual flush retrofit that converted my toilet into a dual flush toilet, and wow my water use went down. I also installed a small pump called a d’mand on my hot water pipe. This pump has a button I push that brings hot water to the sink without running the water when the pump turns off the water is hot and ready, IE I don’t waste water to get it hot.

Water is the next oil, do we want to import that to, or design our cities and homes better? Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger should use devices like SelectAFlush and d’mand pumps as a front line tool to help solve this water crisis fast. Can someone write a letter?

The first step to saving is to be aware of how much water you use! Awareness is the first step in conservation. The average person uses fifty gallons of water per day on the following activities:

• Toilet - 19 gallons per day - (SelectAFlush can help, or a low flow toilet)

• Bathing & hygiene - 15 gallons per day- (d'Mand pump can help)

• Laundry - eight gallons per day -(full loads can help)• Kitchen - seven gallons per day-(d'Mand pump can help)

• Housekeeping - one gallon per day, not really a problem

TOTAL 50 GALLONS, I bet you can get this down to 20 or 30 with no effort at all

SelectAFlush has offered to give $5.00 off to California residence as a way to help save water during the time Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has it under a water crisis emergency. The coupon code is “California Water”

Please everyone do a small thing to save water today. Remember water is saved one drop at a time!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great post! Indeed Southern Californians need to make a collective and conscious effort to save water at home and work. Fresh water levels in the region have dropped alarmingly since 2006. Water shortage is a growing concern. So, the need to conserve water has gained importance. The water saving devices mentioned by you are definitely useful in saving gallons of fresh water. Here are some more tips which are inexpensive and can be easily implemented at home - . I hope people find them useful too!

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I sought the web and found a website that offers watersaving products( for your bathroom and kitchen. I bet those will top the savings again over 50 percent of the water consumption. Moreover, the product seem to be of high quality.
